
The OpenMolGRID project has established informal links with several other EC funded Grid projects, such as GRIDSTART, EUROGRID and GRIP. OpenMolGRID will have collaborative links with the following EC funded and national projects. The collaboration will be for the calculation of chemical descriptors using the OpenMolGRID tools. In this way performance of the OpenMolGRID tools will be checked and compared with results obtained independently within the other projects.
  • DEMETRA: Development of Environmental Modules for Evaluation of Toxicity of pesticide Residues in Agriculture, QLK5-CT-2002-00691, project started in 2003. The aim of DEMETRA is to build up software to predict toxicity of pesticides, on the basis of the chemical structure. The software will be available for free to end-users.
  • FATEALLCHEM: Fate and toxicity of allelochemicals (natural plant toxins) in relation to environment and consumer, QLRT-2000-01967, 2001-. The overall objective of FATEALLCHEM is to perform an environmental and human risk assessment of exploiting the allelopathic properties of wheat in modern farming and to develop a framework for future assessments of allelopathic crops.
  • EASYRING: Environmental Agent Susceptibility Assessment utilising existing and novel bio-markers as Rapid non-Invasive testing methods, QLRT-2001-02286, 2003-. EASYRING aims to develop and validate novel non-invasive methods for detecting known and new bio-markers of endocrine disrupters directly in the mucus of aquatic species.
  • IMAGETOX: Intelligent Modelling Algorithms for the General Evaluation of Toxicity, HPRN-CT-1999-00015, 1999-2004. IMAGETOX is a Research Training Network aimed to train young researchers to computer methods predicting toxic and environmental properties of chemicals.
  • Development of software to predict behaviour and toxicity of environmental pollutants. Project funded by the Italian Environmental Minister. Aim of the project is to develop computer models for the prediction of the behaviour and toxicity of environmental pollutants, with special attention to those found in Italy.